“The man who planted trees” (L’homme qui plantait des arbres) is a parable for our time – and it is a story that I have been thinking about more often recently. Jean Giono wrote this short story in 1953: The shepherd Elzéard Bouffier lives in the barren, dry mountain region of Provence, where, as the […]
Author: Simone Regina Adams
Aspects of the metacrisis
What do we mean when we talk about “metacrisis”? The metacrisis is a multiple overlapping and interconnected global crisis. Terry Patten described it like that: The metacrisis is a single phenomenon.We may be thinking of it as an ecological crisis. We may be thinking of it as a psychological or spiritual crisis.We may be thinking of […]
Reactivity versus Response-ability
In our time of multiple crisis and disruptions and right-wing authoritarian developments, we naturally experience strong emotional responses to them. We feel anxious, insecure, helpless, scared, angry, agitated or depressed. Our naturally occurring, mostly subconscious defense mechanisms against these strong emotions try to regulate our nerve-system, try to mitigate these intense feelings: We might deny […]
Terry Patten: Metacrisis – the Titanic on a collision course
Terry Patten was a philosopher, activist, scientific and spiritual author, including “A New Republic of the Heart: An Ethos for Revolutionaries”. We recommend his lecture Confronting The Meta-Crisis: Criteria for Turning The Titanic , in which he describes the meta-crisis as a convergence of problems that threaten civilization – in other words, as a convergence […]
Erich Kästner: “The Blue Book” 1941-1945
… and the “Lyrical Medicine Cabinet” In 1936, Erich Kästner published a volume of poetry that he humorously called “The Lyrical Medicine Cabinet”. In it, he writes: “It feels good when someone else expresses your own sorrow. It is also pleasant to learn that others are no different and no better off than we are.” Kästner […]
Erich Kästner and our “Therapeutic Medicine Cabinet”
First episode – Simone From February 2025 onwards, we will be launching our podcast “Metameaning”, where we´ll inquire into the topics that we also address here on the website. A few weeks earlier we were invited to “Shrinking Trump”, the podcast of our wonderful friends Dr. Harry Segal and Dr. John Gardner. The exchange was […]
About us
Simone Regina Adams Simone Regina Adams, Psychotherapist in her own practice, Psychologist, Psychotherapist and Art Therapist. Further training i.a. in Psychological Trauma Therapy (EMDR), Client-Centered Therapy by C. Rogers and Body Psychotherapy based on Depth Psychology. Member of Psychologists for Future since 2019. She is an author and lecturer in the field of literature at various educational institutions. She received […]
Wisdom Cultivation
… as a way to create meaning. Josef Rabenbauer When I first came to India in the Eighties, I was invited by a doctor colleague. When I visited there for dinner, I was taken aback and amazed by our conversation: he and his family, together with their grandparents, talked all evening about spiritual issues and […]
Navigating the meta-crisis. Finding meaning in times of global crises and social challenges
Aspects of the metacrisis
What do we mean when we talk about “metacrisis”? Terry Patten described it like that: The metacrisis is the multiple overlapping and interconnected global crisis that our planetary culture faces. The metacrisis is one single phenomenon.We may be thinking of it as an ecological crisis.We may be thinking of it as a psychological or spiritual […]