Terry Patten: Metacrisis – the Titanic on a collision course

Terry Patten was a philosopher, activist, scientific and spiritual author, including “A New Republic of the Heart: An Ethos for Revolutionaries”.

We recommend his lecture Confronting The Meta-Crisis: Criteria for Turning The Titanic , in which he describes the meta-crisis as a convergence of problems that threaten civilization – in other words, as a convergence of our ecological, economic, social, cultural and political emergencies. But also what potential could lie in confronting this meta-crisis.

A finite being – finally being alive

On his 70th birthday, Terry Patten learned that he had an incurable tumor. Shortly afterwards, he recorded a wonderful talk with Roger Walsh and John Dupuy. Three weeks after recording this podcast, Terry Patten died.

The three long-time friends speak very personally about becoming aware of their own finiteness, dealing with pain, fear, finiteness – but above all about the amazing effects of the cancer diagnosis: unexpected joy, gratitude, compassion for other people. Trust in life. Humility. Fascination in the face of the miracles of life.

The amazing effects of the diagnosis: joy, gratitude, compassion. Trust in life. Humility. Fascination in the face of the miracles of life.

Terry Patten distinguishes between mortality and morbidity – many sufferings, he says, are worse than death. He describes the complete “not knowing”: At the time of the conversation, he did not know how much time he would have left. And yet he did not want to “lose a minute resisting reality as it is”.

This radical acceptance that he speaks of is very touching and inspiring. You can find the talk here: Terry Patten – Deep transformation podcast